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Live - Myths and Realities of Samskrit

Myths and Realities of Samskrit! - Webinar starts on 26th January 2016, 8pm IST

Post your questions and comments below! We will answer them live during the event!


Arundhati Sundar's picture

i have a question

Arundhati Sundar's picture

1] Usually samskrit bharati teaches samskrit thru samskrit? Is open pathshala going to continue that model?
2] Can you give example of what you meant by 'modelling' in samskrit?

Rahul's picture

You can post your question here!
It will be answered.
Rahul's picture

1] Open Pathshala provides tailor made courses for learning Sanskrit. The courses offered are specific to students, we have entirely autonomous courseware that covers Sanskrit speaking, reading and listening. The courses can be conducted in Sanskrit or English or any other language which is suitable to Sanskrit teacher and student. But the result of these courses remain same, that is you speak in Sanskrit at the end of 20 hours!
Get more information here - Live Classes Sanskrit 

2] By modelling in Samskrit, we mean that some new creations, reasearches or perhaps scientific ideas whose building blocks are based on Samskrit literature or texts written in Samskrit.