Live and Interactive Online Course
An all-new course of Spoken Sanskrit with more diverse topics covered in an amazing class like interactive environment.
Registration Cost: USD $125/-
This online course gives you a taste of the glorious ancient Indian civilisation by teaching you to speak in Sanskrit! Sanskrit is the language of Veda and wisdom. A key for understanding the literature written during the golden phase of India. If you learn to speak Sanskrit, you get a solid launchpad to prepare to understand the complex grammar system of the language, explore the plethora of Sanskrit vocabulary. This course, designed for beginners of the language, will give you a foundation knowledge of the Sanskrit language. If you wish to speak in Sanskrit language and get a chance to relive the ancient Indian culture, this course is for you!
What You Will Learn
Build your own sentences in Sanskrit that you can use on a day to day basis
Learn vocabulary and phrases that you can use immediately
Perfect for the complete beginner with no Sanskrit knowledge
Speak from the very first lesson
Learn to use the most common Sanskrit expressions and phrases
with Sharvari Pitale
Starting from : 18th March 2024
1.5-Hour Class Mon to Fri
A Series of 10 Classes
7:30 pm to 9 pm IST
Check your local time here
Registration Cost: USD $125/-

Live Sessions
Interact with the tutor and ask questions in a live video call

10-day duration. Live-Interactive class every weekday evening - India time

Never Miss a Class
Recorded lectures available for the duration of 6 months

Everyone gets a Certificate of Participation!
Prerequisite: You should speak at least one Indian language!
14+ age group is preferred in this course.
What the participants say...!
Registration Cost: USD $125/-
Introducing Yourself, Your Friend or a Family Member:परिचयः, सर्वनामानि (सः - कः) | paricayaḥ, sarvanāmāni (saḥ - kaḥ)
Indicating Possession, Location and Source of Things, etc - Vibhaktis:षष्ठी विभक्तिः, सप्तमी विभक्तिः - कुत्र? द्वितीया विभक्तिः, पञ्चमी विभक्तिः, तृतीया विभक्तिः, चतुर्थी विभक्तिः | ṣaṣṭhī vibhaktiḥ, saptamī vibhaktiḥ - kutra? dvitīyā vibhaktiḥ, pañcamī vibhaktiḥ, tṛtīyā vibhaktiḥ, caturthī vibhaktiḥ
Numbers, Days of the Week:संख्या, संख्यावाचकविशेषणानि वासराः - अद्य, श्वः | saṃkhyā, saṃkhyāvācakaviśeṣaṇāni vāsarāḥ - adya, śvaḥ
Time Telling, Describing Routine: घटी, दैनंदिनी | ghaṭī, dainaṃdinī
Present Tense and Simple Verbs:क्रियापदानि - वर्तमानकालः अस्ति - नास्ति अस्मि - स्मः | kriyāpadāni - vartamānakālaḥ asti - nāsti asmi - smaḥ
Past Tense and Simple Future Tense: भूतकालः, स्म, भविष्यत्कालः | bhūtakālaḥ, sma, bhaviṣyatkālaḥ
Forming Questions: सप्तककाराः | saptakakārāḥ
Food Item Names, Colors, Tastes: भोजनसम्बन्धी शब्दाः, वर्णाः, रुचयः | bhojanasambandhī śabdāḥ, varṇāḥ, rucayaḥ
Short Story and Simple Shlokas Comprehension: कथा, कल्पनाविस्तरणम् | kathā, kalpanāvistaraṇam
Vocabulary and Frequently Used Sentences: वस्तुपरिचयः, व्यावहारिकशब्दाः, शब्दसंग्रहः, व्यावहारिकवाक्यप्रयोगाः, अत्र - तत्र | vastuparicayaḥ, vyāvahārikaśabdāḥ, śabdasaṃgrahaḥ, vyāvahārikavākyaprayogāḥ, atra - tatra
Ordering / Requesting and Opposite Words: आज्ञार्थः, विरुद्धार्थकशब्दाः | ājñārthaḥ, viruddhārthakaśabdāḥ
Gerunds and Indeclinables for forming and joining sentences: अव्ययानि, त्वान्त ल्यबन्त तुमन्त - प्रयोगः | avyayāni, tvānta lyabanta tumanta - prayogaḥ
A very practical and playful course that involves the following topics:
Knowledge of at least one Indian language is necessary.
What will be the medium of instruction?
English will be the medium of instruction. But as we progress with the classes, more and more focus will be given to speaking only in Sanskrit.
When will the classes happen?
The classes will happen every weekday at evening 7:30 pm to 9 pm IST. If you stay in a different timezone, you can check your local time here - 7:30 pm IST to my local time.
Where are these classes conducted?
These classes will be conducted on Zoom video conferencing tool. Download it here Zoom on PC/Mac, Android and iPhone/iPad
What is the procedure for joining these classes?
Once you enroll for the classes by filling up the form below, you will be take to a page where you can pay the course fee. Once course fee is paid, your participation will be confirmed and you will receive further details from us on email and WhatsApp
What happens if I miss a class?
The classes will be recorded and made available for a duration of 6 months. You can watch the missed class later at a time convenient to you.
Can I get a refund?
The course fee is non-refundable.
Does everyone gets a Certificate of Participation?
Yes, all participants get a certificate.
Have more questions?