The term Vedānta literally means the end, conclusion of the Vedas or the complete knowledge of Vedas. Vedas are considered as earliest Hindu texts and the most ancient literature of Hindu civilization. Vedic Literature includes Saṃhitās, Brāhmaṇa-texts, Āraṇyaka-texts, and Upaniṣads. Vedānta indicates the final portion of Vedic literature, i.e., Upaniṣads. Vedānta is known as jñāna-kāṇḍa of Veda, the chapters of knowledge. Yajña or Sacrifice is indeed the main theme of Vedas but we find the philosophical thoughts in Vedic hymns which are in the scattered form. These scattered principles and doctrines of the truth are discussed in the Vedānta. Therefore Vedānta is considered as the base of Hindu Philosophy which deals with the subjects like Soul, Super-soul and the Universe. The texts of Vedānta or Upaniṣad reveal the truth of unanswered mysteries and enlighten a being who seeks the unanswered quest of life. The philosophy of Vedanta amazes the readers with its epistles of true knowledge. The course aims at providing a detailed introduction to ten principle Upaniṣads with the main themes, stories, and explanation of the doctrines of the texts.
Gauri has Ph.D. in Sanskrit (Tantrashastra) from Savitribai Phule Pune Unversity in India. Currently, she is working in Bhandarkar Oriental Institute as an Honorary Collaborator in Mahabharata Cultural Index project. Her areas of interest are Vedanta, Tantrashastra, Mahabharata, Translation of Sanskrit texts and Classical Music. She has worked as a researcher and linguist in institutes like Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute as well as for IIT-Bombay. Her research work has been published in national and international conferences on topics related to Beejamantra, Tantra, Grammar and Music. She is also co-authoring a book on Tantra which is in progress.
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Concise explanation of the core concepts of all the Sacred Texts by the instructor was extremely useful for a real "novice" Vedanta student like me. Instructor was very clear in her sessions besides being extremely patient in repeating the explanations several times and in handling all our queries.
- Vijaya Mohan
Session 1: Introduction to VedāntaWhat is Vedānta or Upaniṣad? Meanings and interpretations of the term. Significance of Upniṣads being the final portion of Vedic literature. Upaniṣads and Āraṇyakas. Number of Upaniṣads.
Session 2: Īśavāsya-UpaniṣadDiscussion of the main concepts of Īśa-Upaniṣad: the Lord (Īśa); concept of Karma: action; Brahman: the highest reality and how an individual should elevate himself after knowing these doctrines.
Session 3: Kena-UpaniṣadDiscussion about the nature of individual through sense organs; principle of Brahman; story of battle between Gods and demons which leads a reader to story of Umā Haimavatī and Indra.
Session 4: Kaṭha-UpaniṣadThe famous story of Yama and Naciketā and its philosophical interpretation; pertinent questions asked by Naciketā on death, state of an individual after his death, etc., and illuminating answers by Yama; Discussion of Ātmavidyā which elaborates the sense-organs, concept of individual (Jīva) and the highest reality.
Session 5: Praśna-UpaniṣadThis Upaniṣad includes the questions raised by six sages to sage Pippalāda. The female principle Rayi and male principle Prāṇa as the cause of the creation of the world; the role of Prajāpati; origin of Prāṇa; the three states Jāgrat (waking), Swapna (dream) and Suṣupti (deep sleep); worship of Oṁ; the concept of ṣoḍaśakalapuruṣa (person who possesses 16 digits or parts) will be discussed in this session.
Session 6: Muṇḍaka-UpaniṣadThis session elaborates the principles of Parā-vidyā and Aparā-vidyā; Understanding the principle of Highest Reality through the questions and answers; Creation and dissolution as the aspects of Highest Reality; Sādhanā for the individual; the relation between Jīva (the individual) and Īśvara (the Lord).
Session 7: Māṇḍukya-UpaniṣadThe great mantra Oṁ is discussed in all twelve mantras of this Upaniṣad. The importance of Oṁ will be discussed in this session as it covers all the three foremost principles namely Jīva, Jagat and Jaganniyantā. The session also elaborates Oṁ as one syllable and its existence as three phases of Time (Past, Present and Future) and Oṁ as Brahman: the highest reality.
Session 8: Taittirīya- UpaniṣadDiscussion about the Śikṣā: the phonetics in cosmic sense with reference to the first chapter of the Upaniṣad, i.e., Śikṣāvallī. Discussion on the subjects of second chapter, i.e., Brahmavallī: Discription and definition of Brahman, theory of Creation, concept of Pañcakośa (five sheaths) and concept of Ānanda (the bliss). The story of Bhṛgu and Varuṇa with reference to the third chapter of Upaniṣad, i.e. Bhṛguvalli.
Session 9: Aitareya- UpaniṣadDiscussion on the concept of Creation which is the main theme of this Upaniṣad. Idea of ‘Birth’ from the stage of conception, and the doctrine of Brahman and Jīva will be discussed in the session with reference to Aitareya-Upaniṣad.
Session 10: Chāndogya-UpaniṣadThe worship of Sāma, Significance and worship of Oṁ and the famous stories such as Satyakāma Jābāla will be discussed with their significance.
Session 11: Bṛhadāraṇyaka- UpaniṣadThis Upaniṣad which is huge in size is divided into six chapters. The cosmic Aśvamedha sacrifice, dialogue between Gārgya and Ajātaśatru, Yājñavalkya and Maitreyī, Janaka and Yājñavalkya will be discussed in this session.
There are no pre-requisites to attend this course. Anyone interested to get introduced to Vedanta can join this course!.
English will be the medium of instruction.
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Once you make the online payment, you will get the access to the videos within 12 hours. You will receive instructions on email and WhatsApp
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