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great lady of magic - translation

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Dmyra's picture
great lady of magic - translation
"great lady of magic" i want ot translate this

i have been looking at the possibilities for the word magic. i see that some words like are male and female, like Avartana appears to be m. sometimes?
and shambara would be female.?
can i say "Maha Prajapati Avartana"?  does the Maha have to be "Mahati"?
i dont really understand when the nouns or adjectives must correspon directly to the subject or object  :S   in english we dont have this, i speak spanish

even in english i am good at writing, but bad understanding rules. i am creative, and rules i am not the best with hehe
i undersand little of sanskrit but i practice mantras and kirtan for many years. i do enjoy learning little by little :)
and i love the Indian culture very much

geethavinodvm@g...'s picture
Wish to get a table for simple words like what , who , which etc
nskantharia@gma...'s picture