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Daily language

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meerasomuri's picture
Daily language
My son recently attended a workshop for 5 days. He learnt some words whcih is very good. But he is asking if he has to say the below how could he say. I am not knowing how do I tell him this in sanskrit becuase its present tense. 

I am studying 5th grade and going to Highlandschool
mb apparao dora
mb apparao dora's picture
mantras pronunciation
lalitha sashasranamas and vishnusahastranamas 
Prithvi P. Shenoy
Prithvi P. Shenoy's picture
Aham Highland pathashalee

Aham Highland pathashalee vidyaarthi, Panchama kakshyayam cha pathaami's picture
Mode of language
I know English & Tamil only. Please give the details in Tamil
meerasomuri's picture
Thank you very much
Thank you very much's picture
Telugu and English
Telugu and English
Uma Narayanan
Uma Narayanan's picture
Aham highlad vidhyalaysya chatra panchmam kakshayam pathami.
अहं हाईलेण्ड विद्यालयस्य छात्र: पँचमम् कक्षायाम् पठामि।
Kevin Matti
Kevin Matti's picture
Can someone translate into English the Sanskrit that I have in
Can someone translate into English the Sanskrit that I have in my profile pic?
pvprakash1959@g...'s picture