I am just learning to form sentences. I have written the following. Are they correct? Also how do I know when to add Visarga at the end of a word in names? For e.g. बालाजी - do I need to add visarga at the end?
मम नाम सरवणः
मम देवः श्रीमन्नारायणः
मम देवी अंगाळ परमेश्वरी
मम पुत्रः गुहः
मम पुत्री अनन्या
मम भार्या तारादेवी
मम पिता केशवः
मम माता विशालाक्षी
मम भ्राता देवेन्द्रः
मम स्वसा जमुना
मम मित्रं वेंकटेशः
मम मित्रं वाणी
तव नाम किं
मम नाम बालाजी
भवतः नाम किं
मम नाम सूर्याः
भवत्याः नाम किं
मम नाम प्रिया
The sentences are correct.
>> Also how do I know when to add Visarga at the end of a word in names?
मम नाम राहुलः |
My name (is) Rahul.
मम is genitive case (षष्ठी) which means my - shows ownership.
नाम is first person, singular word whose root word is नामन् (neuter noun ending in न्)
Now comes the last part. It should be in singular, Nominative case, that is प्रथमा.
For masculine words ending in अ, विसर्ग will be there at the end. (Remeber देव is declined as देवः, देवौ, देवाः)
For other words like बालाजीः and अनन्या, they will follow the nominative case of their root word.
You may want to check how words like माला, वनम्, वारि, सुधी, नदी etc are declined and what is their first person form. As a general observation, many Indian masculine names end in a visarga and feminine names do not require visarga. It is not a rule though, just an observation.
One more thing - whenever anuswara comes at the end of the sentence it is written as म्-कार.
भवतः नाम किं? becomes भवतः नाम किम्?