All nouns ending in अ and in masculine gender like गज (elephant), हस्त (hand), कन्दुक (ball), जनक (father) etc. decline according to the above table.
वन - forest ‘वन’ – अकारान्तं (Ending in अ) नपुसकलिङ्गं (Neuter) नाम (Noun)
All nouns ending in अ and in neuter gender like ज्ञान (knowledge), फल (fruit), पर्ण (leaf), जल (water), मित्र (friend), etc. decline according to the above table.
माला - garland ‘माला’ – आकारान्तं (Ending in आ) स्त्रीलिङ्गं (Feminine) नाम (Noun)
All nouns ending in आ and in neuter gender like कन्या (Girl), शाटिका (sari), शाला (school), पूजा (worship), क्रीडा (play), etc. decline according to the above table.