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Learn Sanskrit - Nouns Tables - A Complete Reference

This article lists all the noun table charts for various words in Sanskrit. Learn how to decline nouns and make various forms. 

All the declension charts of Sanskrit words are given below -

देव -God
देव’ – अकारान्तं (Ending in पुल्लिङ्गं (Masculine) नाम (Noun)
Deva noun Sanskrit table

एकवचनम् - Singular
द्विवचनम् - Dual
बहुवचनम् - Plural
विभक्ति – Case
All nouns ending in अ and in masculine gender like गज (elephant),
हस्त (hand), कन्दुक (ball), जनक (father) etc. decline according to the above table.

वन - forest
वन’ – अकारान्तं (Ending in ) नपुंसकलिङ्गं (Neuter) नाम (Noun)
vana sanskrit noun table

All nouns ending in अ and in neuter gender like ज्ञान (knowledge), फल (fruit), पर्ण (leaf), जल (water), मित्र (friend), etc. decline according to the above table.

माला - garland
माला’ – आकारान्तं (Ending in ) स्त्रीलिङ्गं (Feminine) नाम (Noun)
mala sanskrit noun table

All nouns ending in आ and in feminine gender like कन्या (Girl), शाटिका (sari), शाला (school), पूजा (worship), क्रीडा (play), etc. decline according to the above table.

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कवि – poet
कवि’ – इकारन्तं (Ending in ) पुल्लिङ्गं (Masculine) नाम (Noun)
kavi sanskrit noun table

All nouns ending in इ and in masculine gender like मणि (gem), रवि (the Sun), पाणि (hand), गिरि (mountain), अरि (enemy), etc. decline according to the above table.

मति - intellect
मति’ – इकारान्तं (Ending in ) स्त्रीलिङ्गं (Feminine) नाम (Noun)
Mati sanskrit noun table

All nouns ending in इ and in feminine gender like भूमि (land), शक्ति (strength/power), प्रीति (love/affection), वनस्पति (plant), रुचि (taste), etc. decline according to the above table.

वारि – water
वारि’ – इकारान्तं (Ending in ) नपुंसकलिङ्गं (Neuter) नाम (Noun)
vari sanskrit noun table

All nouns ending in इ and in neuter gender like शुचि (auspicious), सुरभि (fragrant), भूरि (plenty), etc. decline according to the above table.

नदी – river
नदी’ – ईकारान्तं (Ending in ) स्त्रीलिङ्गं (Feminine) नाम (Noun)

All nouns ending in ई and in feminine gender like जननी (mother), नारी (woman), नगरी (city), घटी (clock), सरस्वती (Goddess Saraswati), etc. decline according to the above table.
Some examples -
1.  वृक्षात् – Ablative Singular – from the tree
2.  देशाय – Dative Singular – for the country
3.  बालिकानाम् – Genitive Plural – of girls

Advanced level declensions for reference

भानुthe Sun
भानु’ – कारन्तं (Ending in ) पुल्लिङ्गं (Masculine) नाम (Noun)
sanskrit noun bhanu table

All nouns ending in उ and in masculine gender like पशु (animal), हेतु (purpose), इन्दु (moon), ऋतु (season), गुरु (preceptor), etc decline according to the above table.

धेनु’ – कारान्तं (Ending in ) स्त्रीलिङ्गं (Feminine) नाम (Noun)
sanskrit noun dhenu table

All nouns ending in उ and in feminine gender like तनु (body), चञ्चु (beak), रज्जु (rope), करेणु (female elephant), etc. decline according to the above table.
Some extra forms are seen from चतुर्थी to सप्तमी एकवचन. Those are called as optional forms. Both types of forms may be used.

मधु’ – कारान्तं (Ending in ) नपुंसकलिङ्गं (Neuter) नाम (Noun)
sanskrit noun madhu table

All nouns ending in उ and in neuter gender like वस्तु (object/thing), जानु (knee), अम्बु (water), वसु (wealth), etc. decline according to the above table.

पितृ father
पितृ’ – कारन्तं (Ending in ) पुल्लिङ्गं (Masculine) नाम (Noun)
sanskrit pitru table nouns

All nouns ending in ऋ and in masculine gender like भ्रातृ (brother), जामातृ (son-in-law), नृ (human being), etc. decline according to the above table.

मातृ mother
मातृ’ – कारन्तं (Ending in ) स्त्रीलिङ्गं (Feminine) नाम (Noun)
 sanskrit nouns matru table

All nouns ending in ऋ and in feminine gender like दुहितृ (daughter), यातृ (sister-in-law), स्वसृ (sister), etc. decline according to the above table.

मरुत् wind
मरुत्’ – ‘त’कारन्तं (Ending in त्) पुल्लिङ्गं (Masculine) नाम (Noun)
sanskrit nouns marut table

All nouns ending in त् and in masculine gender like भूभृत् (king/mountain), दिनकृत् (the Sun), etc. decline according to the above table.

सरित् river
सरित्’ – ‘त’कारन्तं (Ending in त्) स्त्रीलिङ्गं (Feminine) नाम (Noun)
sanskrit nouns sarit table

All nouns ending in त् and in feminine gender like तडित् (lightning), विद्युत् (electricity), योषित् (young woman), etc. decline according to the above table.

जगत्’ – ‘त’कारान्तं (Ending in त्) नपुंसकलिङ्गं (Neuter) नाम (Noun)
sanskrit nouns jagat table

All nouns ending in त् and in neuter gender like वियत् (sky), etc. decline according to the above table.

चन्द्रमस्the moon
चन्द्रमस्’ – ‘स’कारन्तं (Ending in स्) पुल्लिङ्गं (Masculine) नाम (Noun)
sanskrit nouns chandramas table

All nouns ending in स् and in masculine gender like दुर्वासस् (name), वनौकस् (hermit), नचिकेतस् (name), वेधस् (Lord Brahma) etc. decline according to the above table.

अप्सरस्celestial nymph
अप्सरस्’ – ‘स’कारन्तं (Ending in स्) स्रीलिङ्गं (Feminine) नाम (Noun)
sanskrit nouns apsaras table

All nouns ending in स् and in feminine gender like उषस् (dawn), etc. decline according to the above table.

पयस् water, milk
पयस्’ – ‘स’कारन्तं (Ending in स्) नपुंसकलिङ्गं (Neuter) नाम (Noun)
sanskrit nouns payas table

All nouns ending in स् and in neuter gender like मनस् (mind), यशस् (glory), नभस् (sky), तमस् (darkness), वयस् (age), वासस् (garment) etc. decline according to the above table.

भगवत्the Lord/prosperous
भगवत्’ – ‘वत्’प्रत्ययान्तं (Ending in वत्) पुल्लिङ्गं (Neuter) विशेषणम् (Adjective)
sanskrit nouns bhagavat table

Words which decline like भगवत् are – आयुष्मत् (long-lived), बुद्धिमत्, धीमत् (intelligent), धनवान् (rich) etc.

शशिन्the Lord/prosperous
शशिन्’ – इन्नन्तं (Ending in इन्) पुल्लिङ्गं (Masculine) विशेषणम् (Adjective)
sanskrit noun shashin table

All nouns ending in इन् and in masculine gender like स्वामिन् (master), प्राणिन् (animal), विद्यार्थिन् (student), संन्यासिन् (ascetic), वाजिन् (horse), श्रेष्ठिन् (businessman), हस्तिन् (elephant) etc. decline according to the above table.

आत्मन्’ – अन्नन्तं (Ending in अन्) पुल्लिङ्गं (Masculine) नाम (Noun)
sanskrit noun atman table

All nouns ending in अन् and in masculine gender like अध्वन् (road), यज्वन् (one who performs sacrifice - यज्ञ), अश्मन् (stone), ब्रह्मन् (Lord Brahma), etc decline according to the above table.

राजन् king
राजन्’ – अन्नन्तं (Ending in अन्) पुल्लिङ्गं (Masculine) नाम (Noun)

sanskrit nouns rajan table
All nouns ending in अन् and in masculine gender like महिमन्, गरिमन् (greatness), प्रेमन् (love), मूर्धन् (head), ग्रावन् (stone), etc decline according to the above table.

जन्मन्’ – अन्नन्तं (Ending in अन्) पुंसकलिङ्गं (Neuter) नाम (Noun)
sanskrit nouns janman table

All nouns ending in अन् and in neuter gender like कर्मन् (action), वर्त्मन् (road), मर्मन् (vital spot), चर्मन् (skin) etc decline according to the above table.

नामन् name
नामन्’ – अन्नन्तं (Ending in अन्) पुंसकलिङ्गं (Neuter) नाम (Noun)
sanskrit nouns naman table

All nouns ending in अन् and in neuter gender like हेमन् (gold), व्योमन् (sky), धामन् (home, place), लोमन् (hair) etc decline according to the above table.

वाच्’ – कारन्तं (Ending in च्) स्रीलिङ्गं (Feminine) नाम (Noun)
sanskrit nouns vak table

All nouns ending in च् like त्वच् (feminine - skin), पयोमुच् (masculine - cloud), शुच् (feminine - sorrow) etc. decline as the above table

दिश् speech, language
दिश्’ – कारन्तं (Ending in श्) स्रीलिङ्गं (Feminine) नाम (Noun)
sanskrit noun dish table

All nouns ending in श् like दृश् (feminine – sight) etc. decline as the above table

वणिज् speech, language
वणिज्’ – जकारन्तं (Ending in ज्) पुल्लिङ्गं (Masculine) नाम (Noun)
sanskrit noun vanij table

All nouns ending in ज् like भिषज् (masculine - doctor), ऋत्विज् (masculine - Brahman), स्रज् (feminine - garland), etc. decline as the above table

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Good.Need your help as I am new learner.

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