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My Favourite Book

Essay on My Favourite Book-Ramayana  Click or tap on any of the Sanskrit word given below to know its English meaning

मम प्रियं पुस्तकं- रामायणम्

रामायणं ममप्रियंपुस्तकम्अस्तिरामायणम् एकं महाकाव्यम्अस्तिरामस्यअयनं नामचरितंरामायणम्इतिरामायणस्यअर्थःभवतिवाल्मीकिऋषिः रामायणस्य रचनाकारःअस्ति| आदर्शःनृपःरामःतथातस्यजीवनस्यवर्णनंरामायणेअस्तिअत्र रामस्य वर्णनं मर्यादापुरुषोत्तमरूपेण चित्रितः|रामस्यराज्येसर्वेप्रजाजनाः सुखेन नन्दन्तिअतःरामराज्यः नामआदर्शःराज्यः|रामस्यसीतया सहविवाहः,अनन्तरं राम- सीता- लक्ष्मणानांवनवासः,सीतायाः अपहरणं,रावणस्यवधःइतिरामायणस्य मुख्यंकथावस्तु|रामायणे५००सर्गाः २४,०००श्लोकाःसन्तिरामायणम् अस्मान् नैकानिमूल्यानिपाठयति|धर्मस्यमहत्वम् उपदिशति|रामायणम्अस्माकंजीवनेकिंयोग्यं किम्अयोग्यम्इतिपाठयति|अतः एतद्ममप्रियंपुस्तकम्अस्ति|

Essay on My Favourite Book

mama priyaṃ pustakaṃ- rāmāyaṇam। rāmāyaṇaṃ mama priyaṃ pustakam asti। rāmāyaṇam ekaṃeka mahākāvyam asti। rāmasya ayanaṃ nāma caritaṃ rāmāyaṇam iti rāmāyaṇasya arthaḥ bhavati। vālmīkiṛṣiḥ rāmāyaṇasya racanākāraḥ asti। ādarśaḥ nṛpaḥ rāmaḥ tathā tasya jīvanasya varṇanaṃ rāmāyaṇe asti। atra rāmasya varṇanaṁ maryādāpuruṣottamarūpeṇa citritaḥ। rāmasya rājye sarve prajājanāḥ sukhena nandanti ataḥ rāmarājyaḥ nāma ādarśaḥ rājyaḥ। rāmasya sītayā saha vivāhaḥ, anantaraṃ rāma-sītā-lakṣmaṇānāṃ vanavāsaḥ, sītāyāḥ apaharaṇaṃ, rāvaṇasya vadhaḥ iti rāmāyaṇasya mukhyaṃ kathāvastu। rāmāyaṇe 500 sargāḥ 24,000 ślokāḥ santi। rāmāyaṇam asmān naikāni mūlyāni pāṭhayati। dharmasya mahatvam upadiśati। rāmāyaṇam asmākaṃ jīvane kiṃ yogyaṃ kim ayogyam iti pāṭhayati। ataḥ etad mama priyaṃ pustakam asti।

My favourite book- Ramayana

Ramayana is my favourite book. Ramayana is an Epic. The word Ramayana means Rama's character. The Ramayana is written or created by sage Valmiki. Ideal king Rama and his biography are the subject of Ramayana. Here Rama is characterized as a most dignified man. He ruled His people so nicely that His rule came to be called Rama Rajya, meaning the rule of righteousness, the rule which bestows on all happiness and prosperity. Rama's marriage with Sita, Rama-Sita-Laxmana's exile, Sita's abduction, The slaying of Ravana this is the plot of Ramayana. There are 500 Cantos means 24,000 Shlokas in Ramayana. Ramayana teaches us many moral values. Ramayana teaches us the importance of religion. Ramayana also teaches us, What is wrong, what is right etc. Therefore this is my favourite book.

Author: Manasi Wangikar: Manasi is a content writer at Open Pathshala

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